Saturday, 21 July 2018

The Simpson and Kimberleys trip, 2018 Day 6

Not quite as chilly this morning but we still had a leisurely coffee and breakfast around the camp fire. We headed off around 8:30 am west along the Rigg road. The track wasn't too bad and we cruised along nicely. The road then turned northish and at one point I think I actually got up to 60 kph. At The abandoned Mokari 1 oil well we stopped and hid behind some dunes , using them as a windbreak and had some left over roast lamb wraps for lunch. 
Then it was onto towards the French Line where the traffic got bad for awhile and the road even worse. We cleared the traffic and then it was only occasional eastbound cars that got in our way. The road got a bit better as we went on and ended up stopping at Purni Bore to stretch our legs and take a few photos. 

After that the track improved significantly and parts of it were nearly Highway like as we got closer Dalhousie Springs. 
We pulled into Dalhousie Springs camping area and found a spot in the dry dusty area and immediately headed off for a soak in the warm springs. This was great after several days in the desert. We came back to the cars, setup camp, relaxed a bit and then put some air back into the tyres for the rough road to Mount Dare. The camp host came around and explained there were to be no fires and don't leave anything out as the dingos will steal it and run away with it. Sure enough before the sun had disappeared completely we had seen two dingos wandering around. We had a bit of dinner but as we were sitting around talking there was a onslaught of mozzies come to suck our blood.  So we quickly cleaned up and retreated to our screened beds for the evening.

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